Yüksek dereceli skuamöz intraepitelyal lezyon cin 3

ASCUS - LGSIL - HGSIL - CIN 1 - CIN 2 - CIN3 : Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasms

What are atypical squamous cells? What does ascus mean?

ascusFind answers to all your questions about   here. Ascus means atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance. HPV testing should be performed in patients with Ascus as a result of the smear test. In some of these patients, the HPV test will be negative. Because in cases such as some infections or wound healing other than the HPV virusascusmay result.

Only follow-up is sufficient for those who test negative for HPV. However, it can also be evaluated with colposcopy. This completely depends on the experience of the physician. However, if the ascus HPV test will be positive, it will certainly becolposcopyIt would be appropriate to evaluate with However, the detection rate of cervical cancer in patients with Ascus is around 0.5-1%. For this reason, in these patients, there is usually no problem with regular follow-up and treatment without causing uneasiness.

Ascus reason?

Ascus hpv positiveIt can sometimes be detected in vaginal infections as well as in patients with For this reason, it is given the name of undetermined significance. However, an important part of the HPV virus will be detected. It is possible to see these cellular changes in the healing phase of the wounds in the cervix.

Ascus how is it transmitted?

In ascus patients with positive HPV test, transmission occurs through sexual intercourse and the HPV virus. transmitted at this pointHPV virusStop. After being infected with the virus, it can cause ascus formation in the cervix of the woman or it can be cleared by the body without causing any change.

How is Ascus treated?

Ascus hpv positiveEvaluation of the cervix with colposcopy should be performed in patients. A biopsy will be done from areas that appear abnormal. However, if no abnormality is observed, the patient is followed up with smear follow-ups. However, if pathologies called CIN are found as a result of biopsy, they will need to be treated.

Is there a herbal treatment for Ascus ?

Ascus herbal treatmentnot available. Such applications will be just a waste of time.

What does low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (lsil) mean? What does lgsil mean?

Smear lgsilColposcopy is essential in patients with A biopsy will be performed under colposcopy. In these patientscervical cancerThe risk of development is slightly higher than ascus.

How can I find Lsil?

Lsil HPV virusIt is a pathology caused by It is the HPV virus transmitted. HPV virus is a type of sexually transmitted virus.

How is Lsil treatment done?

Colposcopy-guided biopsy is performed in women with LGS. While burning, freezing or excision treatments are applied in patients with CIN 1 as a result of biopsy, the excision procedure called LEEP should be applied in patients with CIN 2 and CIN 3. If the borders are clear in the cervical tissue examination taken with LEEP, the patient is followed up. Otherwise, the process will have to be repeated. These patients usually do not experience much distress during follow-up.

What does high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion hsil mean?

hsilmeans that the cells with a high risk of progression to cancer are detected in the examination. These patients are more likely to develop cervical cancer. In fact, some of the biopsies have cervical cancer.

Is hsil cancer?

Hsil does not mean cancer. However, Hsil indicates cellular changes. A biopsy must be performed for the presence of cancer. The presence of cancer should be demonstrated by biopsy. In these patients, the risk of accompanying cancer or the risk of developing cancer in the future is higher than with lsil.

How is HSI treatment done?

Hsil treatment is also treated according to the biopsy result. Burning, freezing or excision procedures are performed in CIN 1 pathology results. However, it should be ensured whether it is CIN 1. In CIN 2 and CIN3, cervical tissue should be examined by performing LEEP. In cases where cancer is detected, treatment should be sought. However, long-term careful follow-up will be required in patients with clear borders. Some physicians with high colposcopy experience recommend performing the LEEP procedure directly without dealing with biopsy during colposcopy.

What happens if gin 1 is not treated?

Of course, there is a possibility of progression to cervical cancer if Cin 1 is not treated. Of course, in patients who do not want treatment, it is necessary to follow up with cervical screening and HPV test. In many patients, the pathology will resolve spontaneously. However, it is very important not to neglect the situation.

What to do in case of Cin1 and pregnancy?

If an unexpected pregnancy occurs in women with Cin 1 detected, they are followed up during pregnancy. If cervical changes increase during pregnancy, a biopsy can be performed again, if necessary, accompanied by colposcopy.

Is genie 1 contagious?

Cin 1 is a pathology caused by HPV virus. Of course, Cin 1 can develop in patients who are infected with HPV through sexual intercourse.

Cin 1 herbal treatment exists ?

There is no herbal treatment for gin. There is no scientifically proven herbal method.

How is Gin 2 treatment done?

In patients with CIN 2 detected, it is absolutely necessary to remove some of the cervical tissue and examine it with the procedure called LEEP. Treatment will be shaped according to the results.Gen 2 surgeryThe process called LEEP is actually the LEEP process.

How is genie 3 transmitted?

As in other pathologies, CIN 3 occurs after sexual transmission of HPV virus.

Gen3 repeats?

cin 3 repeatit could be. Therefore, treated Cin 3 patients should be followed up for a long time with smear test, HPV test and colposcopy.

How is the Gin 3 treatment done?

Gin 3 treatmentCervical tissue is removed with a procedure called LEEP. After the examination of this tissue, the treatment method will change according to the pathology detected.Gen 3 surgeryThe process called LEEP is the process.After Gin 3 surgeryIt would be appropriate to act in accordance with your doctor's recommendations.

Does the cervical cancer vaccine (HPV vaccine) prevent these lesions?

cervical cancer vaccineThe risk of developing cervical cancer precursors is also considerably reduced in patients who are treated. However, there are many types of HPV virus that cause cervical cancer. Vaccines protect against most of them, but may not protect against very few of them. Becausecervical cancer vaccineregular smears andHPV testIt is important that you continue to follow up.

CIN 3 kanser mi?

CIN-2 ve 3 tespit edildiğinde ise rahim ağzı kanserine dönüşme olasılığı yüksektir ve bu süre yaklaşık 1-5 yıl kadardır. Bu yüzden; CIN-2 ve 3 olgularında ise tedavi yapılması gereklidir. Çünkü bu patolojilerin kansere dönüşme riski yüksek olduğu gibi süresi de kısadır.

Yüksek dereceli skuamöz intraepitelyal lezyon ne demek?

Yüksek dereceli skuamöz intraepitelyal lezyon (HSIL), bir enfeksiyondan kaynaklanan kanser öncesi, cinsel yolla bulaşan bir hastalıktır. virüs denilen insan papilloma virüsü (HPV). Buna ek olarak boyun, HSIL yaygın olarak şunları içerir: vajina ve vulva.

CIN 3 ne demek?

CİN III: Rahim ağzını örten epitelin tamamında hücresel anormallikler olmasıdır (şiddetli displazi). CİN lezyonlarının NEDENİ NEDİR? Tıpkı rahim ağzı kanserinde olduğu gibi öncü lezyonlarda da etken HPV (human papilloma virus)'tür. HPV 16 rahim ağzı kanseri ve CİN olgularında en sık rastlanan HPV tipidir.

CIN 3 nasıl tedavi edilir?

CIN2 ve CIN3 (HSIL) tedavisinde en sık olarak LEEP işlemi uygulanır. İşlem lokal aneztezi ile de uygulanabilir ama ağrılı bir işlem olduğu için genelde hafif sedasyon ile birlikte yapılır. işlem normal şartlarda 15 -20 dk sürer ve sonrasında hasta evine gider ve günlük aktivitelerine devam eder.